"Human Rights Watch confirmed several cases of undercover police loyal to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's regime committing acts of violence and looting in an attempt to stoke fear of instability as demonstrations grew stronger Tuesday against the autocratic leader."
Sarebbe la classica manovra di un regime autoritario che tenta di togliere credibilità a un movimento di protesta facendolo scadere a saccheggio e violenze gratuite. Ma non è tutto qui. Human Rights Watch approfondisce il tema
"Torture is an endemic problem in Egypt and ending police abuse has been a driving element behind the massive popular demonstrations that swept Egypt over the past week, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Prosecuting torture and ending the emergency laws that enable a culture of impunity for the security forces should be a priority for the Egyptian government, Human Rights Watch said."
La tortura è un problema endemico, in Egitto, tra le possibili cause delle massicce manifestazioni popolari. Articolo completo qui. Sul sito di HRW c'è anche un aggiornamento live dall'Egitto.
"Work on him until he confesses.
This report documents how President Hosni Mubarak’s government implicitly condones police abuse by failing to ensure that law enforcement officials accused of torture are investigated and criminally prosecuted, leaving victims without a remedy."Lavoraci sopra finchè non confessa. Questo il titolo del rapporto HRW.
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