Il rapporto della IAEA di ieri, 28 marzo, ore 23,00 UTC, parla di conferme giapponesi alla presenza di plutonio nel suolo intorno alla centrale di Fukushima. Anche se la presenza di tracce di questo elemento non sono inusuali, la particolare composizione isotopica lascia pensare alla fuoriuscita dai reattori. Nel dettaglio, la Nisa riferisce dati Tepco, riguardo la presenza del plutonio in due su cinque campioni di terreno. Tuttavia, aggiungono,
Il briefing del direttore generale, avvenuto nella giornata di ieri, inizia con queste parolethe quantity of plutonium found does not exceed background levels tracked by Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology over the past 30 years.
Situation remains very serious.e poi prosegue
The crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi plant has still not been overcome and it will take some time to stabilise the reactors.
For now, radioactivity in the environment, foodstuffs and water - including the sea - is a matter of concern in the vicinity of the Fukushima plant and beyond. Current levels indicate a need for further comprehensive monitoring.
On the positive side, electrical power has been restored at Units 1, 2 and 3 and fresh water is now available on the site.
The crisis is not yet over, but we need to start thinking about the future.Once the situation has been stabilised, the Agency would like to send an international expert mission to conduct an assessment of the accident. This should include an element of peer review.
The Fukushima crisis has confronted the Agency and the international community with a major challenge.It is vitally important that we learn the right lessons from what happened on March 11, and afterwards, in order to strengthen nuclear safety throughout the world.
Ecco una slideshare sulla deposizione dal 17 al 27 marzo di Iodio-131, Cesio-137 e Tellurio-132
- an initial assessment of the Fukushima accident, its impact and consequences;
- considering the lessons that need to be learned;
- launching the process of strengthening nuclear safety;
- and strengthening the response to nuclear accidents and emergencies.
e un'altra sul possibile impatto sull'ambiente marino
Fukushima NPPs Potential Impact on the Marine Environment, 28 March 2011
View more presentations from IAEA
e un'altra sulle conseguenze radiologiche dell'incidente
Radiological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident - 28 March 2011
View more presentations from IAEA
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